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In the present time, many men are always looking for such type of medicine in the market through which they can boost their sex performance for last long in bed. When we talk about medicines, there are several medicines available in the market, which will provide you such type of stamina in the bed. Also, improve various types of sexual health issues like Erectile Dysfunction (ED) that occurs in men at some point in age. Cenforce 150 mg is one of them that provides an effective result in short durations. But before using this tablet you should consult a doctor so that you can easily find the actual dose for the treatment. Generic medicines like Cenforce, Malegra, and Kamagra are some medicines (Viagra) that are highly used by men to enhance sexual stamina strength. These medicines come in different forms and their different doses so one can easily get the best dose according to their body requirement and get the best performance in bed with the partner. Accord...